30 Minutes

Average departure delay due to chemical ice removal

“The best way to save money for an airline is to run a reliable on-time schedule, and current-state de-icing makes this impossible.”

- JOHN OWEN, Co-founder and former CFO at JetBlue Airways

How it Works

Unlike the chemical spray method, De-Ice is fast, efficient, and chemical-free.
De-Ice eliminates weather-related departure delays and carbon emissions.

We’re proud to have Air Canada as our launch customer.

Customer Benefits

Improve on-time
Eliminate glycol spraying
costs and delays
Reduce idling fuel burn and other
sources of CO₂ emissions

Environmental Impact of Chemical Ice Removal

Today all commercial and military aircraft use sprays made with propylene glycol or ethylene glycol to remove snow or ice prior to takeoff. Producing, transporting, and heating these chemicals generates significant carbon dioxide emissions.

Environmental Impact of Chemical Ice Removal

In the News

Air Canada Tests Jet De-Icing Strips to End Blasts of Glycol.

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Ever had to wait on the tarmac for your plane to de-ice? This startup has a quicker solution.

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